Upcoming Courses

Upcoming Courses

As a faculty member of Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary I will be teaching my course “Sacred Sites of the Ancient Temple Priestesses” remotely in the Winter semester starting January 4th

Here are the legends and myths of these Ancient Priestesses and their Temple Sanctuaries, some with traces still visible today. In these holiest of sacred sites, these Priestesses honored their matron Goddesses with ritual and dance, and as famous Oracles of the Ancient world they foretold the future.

In this course we will explore the worlds of the Temple Priestesses of Antiquity.

These spiritual sisters who possessed rare gifts. They were called Oracles, Sibyls, Mystics, Diviners and Seers. They shared their prophecies with those who sought their advice and yet they were feared by those who misunderstood their unique and mysterious powers.

All honored their chosen Divinities within a life of complete isolation and contemplation, while others danced in rituals and tended the sacred fires while living within great temple walls.

Each class has been chosen to reflect upon what is still visible today from simple stone foundations to clearly visible temple structures. But in each ancient site there is also a unique story of spiritual life that we will explore in depth with each class. 


I will also be teaching “Introduction to Egyptian Mythology” in the Summer semester (July 2022).

Egypt is a land of mysteries; the land of the Pharaohs and Pyramids. A complex society spanning many thousands of years with a number of cosmologies that differ and yet have numerous similarities.

The ancient cities of Heliopolis gave us the Ennead Cult of powerful Priests and the Sun God Atum. While the other ancient cities of Hermopolis, Thebes and Memphis each told their creation myth with yet another Sun God figure, the God Ptah.

In this course you will discover the many stories that make up Egypt’s cosmology.

Born from the dark swirling waters of chaos these Sun Gods transcended Divinity to create a humanity and a culture that worshipped countless well-known Divine figures. From the story of Osiris and his consort Isis to the wise scribe Thoth, we will delve into the history of this great culture.

This course will also touch upon the varied and mysterious origins of the Ankh depicted in tomb pictures and hieroglyphic writings in the hands of Divinity.

Almost everything we know about Egypt comes from the excavations of funerary texts and burial tombs. So, I will conclude this course with an apprentice’s understanding of Egypt’s Book of the Dead, that describes through a collection of textual information to assist one’s journey into the underworld. 


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