Yule/Winter Solstice – Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Yule/Winter Solstice – Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A Time for Celebration and Thankfulness

Saga of the Holly King/Oak King

We celebrate the light overcoming the dark, as the two are brothers, rivals or the flip sides of the same coin. The Oak King rules from midwinter until midsummer and the Holly King rules from midsummer until midwinter. 

Every year at Yule the Oak King cuts off the Holly King’s head (symbolic of the harvest) and rules for six months until midsummer, when the Holly King kills the Oak King and the cycle of rebirth begins again.

In Celtic tradition, Yule is the time when the Oak King triumphs over the Holly King. The Holly King represents the death and darkness that has ruled since the onset of Samhain. At Winter Solstice, the Oak King brings the opportunity to be reborn and begin a new life. 

The Yule Season raises one’s spirit and brings tidings of comfort and joy. It is a period of reflection. During Samhain, one has recognized the lessons given with past experience and now Yule brings the opportunity to be reborn with new light.

The wheel of the year has turned once more, and the nights have grown longer and colder. Tonight, the darkness begins to retreat, and light begins its return once again. As the wheel continues to spin, the sun returns to us once more.

Even in the darkest hours, even in the longest nights, the spark of life lingered on. Lying dormant, waiting, ready to return when the time was right. The darkness will leave us now, as the sun begins its journey home.

As the wheel turns, light returns. What will be is. What was will be.
The Wheel of the Year forever turns. Light to dark, dark to light, each season passes with lessons learned.

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