Celebrate Imbolc/Candlemas — February 2

Celebrate Imbolc/Candlemas — February 2

Whether you are within a Coven or practice Solitary

Let us light the candles during this year of 2022 and the celebration of Imbolc/Candlemas

Wednesday, February 2nd

  1. Light the first candle in honor of the Goddess Brighid whose feast day is now at Imbolc.  Let us ask Brighid to picture Her healing light penetrating the Winter’s darkness.
  2. With the second candle, welcome the Goddess Persephone with the Spring and picture the great Wheel of the Year turning to the halfway point. The cauldron is the womb of the Goddess, the belly of Imbolc.
  3. Think of the Magick of the beginning of life and all the possibilities contained as new life emerges, as you light the third candle.  Welcome the Goddess Selket into your life with each new dawn as a clean slate brings you closer to realizing your dreams and goals.
  4. With the fourth candle, imagine your relationship to the Divine Earth Mother Gaia as all of us need mothering in one form or another. 
  5. As you light the fifth candle, focus on the lesson your spiritual path has taught you. There are intimate truths that you have undoubtedly discovered. Give thanks to the Goddess Astarte of the fiery stars for challenges met and knowledge gained.
  6. The sixth candle represents the unknown, the lessons that lie in front of you and all the things you have yet to learn. Ask the Goddess Lilith whose own herstory has been buried in untruths to cultivate your humility and bless you for all of your accomplishments.
  7. Light the seventh candle and meditate on all the things you wish to change. They can be spiritual, physical or material. Ask the Goddess Hecate of the Crossroads who rules over the decision of our lives to allow your Magick to make a positive impact on your life.
  8. The eighth candle represents the things you most need to heal. These include the physical ailments of yourself and of others, the suffering of the planet, rifts in relationships, and so on. Invoke healing into your life, and make room for it to begin. Release old wounds and past hurts. Take responsibility for your health in a new way. Focus on the best possible outcomes for situations that are beyond your control or influence.
  9. As you light the ninth candle welcome inspiration into your spiritual practice. Ask the Great Goddess Isis, whose worship spreads throughout the world, to illuminate Her presence for you in a new way. Sing Her praises. Write a poem in Her honor. Use Her inspiration and the energy of the season to assist you in manifesting your own Magick in a tangible way. Whatever method of expression, ask Isis to inspire you and show forth Her beauty in your work.


Now take a moment to reflect on Imbolc/Candlemas

Imbolc marks the recovery of the Goddess after giving birth to the God.

The lengthening periods of light awaken Her. The God is a young lusty boy, yet His power is felt in the longer days. The warmth fertilizes the Earth (the Goddess), and causes seeds to germinate and sprout. And so, the earliest beginnings of Spring occur. 

Imbolc (Candlemas) honors the power of the Sacred Fires of Brighid or Brid.

She is the Triple Goddess so we honor her in all her aspects. She is the traditional patroness of healing, poetry and smithcraft, which are all practical and inspired wisdom. As a solar deity Her attributes are light, inspiration and all skills associated with fire. Although She might not be identified with the physical Sun, She is certainly the benefactress of inner healing and vital energy.

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