Witches’ Brooms
I am a Witch and I love brooms or as we sometimes call them “besoms”.
We are truly in the midst of spring and it is a time to cleanse our homes and our special sacred places.
Sweep away the negative and sweep in the positive.
I have an amazing besom made from the “Witches Broome” plant that grows here in Maine near blueberry bushes. I have been blessed to know someone who is a dear Witch friend and who searches the forest near her blueberry bushes to find just the right besoms for her Witch sisters.
Mine is filled with very personal Magickal symbolism and has been used in many rituals to cleanse our sacred space.
It is very potent for four Priestesses to each place their besom in one of the four quarters during ritual.
I have many besoms that have been gifted to me through the years including a very ornate “Mermaid’s” besom and a simple red and black one that was gifted to me during a Samhain Ritual by Laurie Cabot.
I have a besom in every room.
Going from room to room in your home and moving in a counter-clockwise direction use your besom to seep away any negative energies. And with one powerful move let your besom sweep all unwanted energies out the back door!
To guarantee good fortune and happiness in your home make sure to keep your Witch’s besom bristles pointed up and next to the front door.