About Lady
Lady is a known author, teacher, Sacred Dancer, 3rd Degree Hight Priestess of Lilith, Selket and Hecate, FOI, ATC.
She is the High Priestess of Sacred Moon Coven and the Iseum of the Graceful Goddess.
Lady is a professional psychic medium, tarot reader, licensed clergy counselor, member of the Maine Pagan Clergy Association, the Crossroads Lyceum and the Sacred Dance Guild.
She is the author of several books including “The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity” published by John Hunt Publishing.
And “The First Sisters: Lilith and Eve” also published by John Hunt Publishing under their Pagan Portal/Moon Books imprint. Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, other online stores and bookstores in the USA, UK, Australia and South Africa.
Lady is also the author of “If Mermaids Could Dance” a compilation of 19 original faerie tales and “A Witch’s Diary”, (both books under the pseudonym of Lady Lilith) and both published by Spilled Candy Publications.
She has had numerous articles published on Sacred Dance, The Goddess, Witchcraft and Ancient Mythologies for magazines and periodicals including: Circle Network Magazine, Arcanum Magazine, Isis Seshat Journal, The Mirror of ISIS, The Isian News and the Cabot Hermetic Temple Newsletter and Witchvox.
Currently she is on the faculty of Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary where she teaches “Introduction to Egyptian Mythology” and “Sacred Sites of the Ancient Temple Priestesses”.
In addition, she teaches “Wicca 101”, “Introduction to Tarot Reading”, and “Introduction to Psychic Mediumship” either privately or in a class setting.
Lady is a professionally trained ballerina, an Isadora Duncan dancer, modern dance teacher and currently choreographer and dancer with the Temple of Nine Wells Dancers. And as founder, choreographer and principal dancer for “The Undines Dance Company” she and her company performed throughout the Northeast. She teaches “Sacred Dance” and “Dancing with the Goddess” workshops.
In addition to performing traditional dance, Lady is available to choreograph sacred temple dances for great Sabbats and Full Moon Rituals.