The Fallen Women of Mythology: Goddesses, Saints and Sinners Release Date + Info

On sale everywhere October 1, 2024 Pagan Portals – The Fallen Women of Mythology: Goddesses, Saints and Sinners Women have traditionally been written out of history. But throughout ancient myths, stories, and legends there is a power in rediscovering the experiences of the many ‘fallen’ women who have been hidden from the annals of the past. Portrayed to us as enigmatic […]

Oracle for Llamas/Lughnasadh

Once again the Oracle speaks the words of the Goddess Are we inhabitants of a psychic sphere? Do we see all that is not just visible but also hidden from view? Is our vision clear enough to perceive what the cornucopia of life has to offer? Do not limit yourself. Embrace your talents and abilities and learn from your mistakes. […]

Interview with Panegyria Magazine!

The following was excerpted from an interview with Panegyria Magazine. (You can read the full interview and more in the 2024 Ostara Edition.) Panegyria: Why did you become a Witch and decide to practice the Craft of the Wise? Lady: I have always been a spiritual person. I was drawn to the craft by the Goddess. Perhaps a destiny call! […]

Book Review by Anne Carlini

Anne Carlini reviews ‘The First Sisters Lilith and Eve’ for Exclusive Magazine Growing up in my household, and here focusing on the one lesser-known sister, we were told, and from a very early age, that there are multiple origin stories for Lilith, but that the most popular history told views Lilith as the first wife of Adam. Indeed, according to […]

A Soulmate Connection

A Soulmate Connection (published in the February 2024 edition of Panegyria Magazine) Do you believe in love at first sight or perhaps in a soulmate or twin soul connection? The notion of meeting your soulmate does happen in real life to everyday people. Meeting this person opens the realization that they not only share your life but actually become a […]

Imbolc Oracle 2024

  The veiled Oracle is not blind, she sees beyond the veil. Is it trepidation that draws people away from the light that makes all vision possible? The outcome is that you are transported into the abyss of darkness? Can you not see the moonglow of the Goddess Selene who is there to guide you? Tossed about within a world […]

Book Review – Pagan Dawn Magazine

The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity was recently reviewed inside Pagan Dawn Magazine: “In plain 21st century and fourth-wave feminism, where women’s empowerment and intersectionality are more relevant than ever, Lady Haight-Ashton’s work on femininity and women’s importance in ancient practices, highlights the relevance and magnitude of the female priesthood and their influence on modern practices. Focusing on ancient civilizations, this […]

Yule Oracle 2023

The Veil is lifted and the Oracle speaks… Do we ever look at a single ice crystal that miraculously appears as it falls from the clouds? Do we see the varied intricacies of its complex shape? Are we aware that despite billions of these delicate ice crystals falling to earth every wintry season, each one is uniquely individual? We humans […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

The holiday of Thanksgiving will soon be upon us. Many of us will be welcoming friends and family to share in a celebration of abundance and blessings received in the past year. Yet, it is also a holiday that reminds us of generosity and goodwill. As Witches and Pagans, many of us will be humbly celebrating by volunteering in soup […]

Samhain Oracle (2023)

The Oracle lifts the Veil and speaks… Tis the Season of the Witch. Cauldrons will be blazing and feet will be dancing round and round within the sacred space of many Samhain circles and rituals. Here lay the foundation for change that is within each of us. Tolerance and understanding mixed with vitality and purpose. What is lacking? The earth that […]

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