Autumn Goddesses

By Lady Haight-Ashton • (Originally published in Panegyria Magazine Oct 13, 2023)   Autumn heralds Samhain the Sabbat that welcomes the end of summer and the final harvest that ushers in the “dark half of the year.” Boundaries between the spiritual and physical world break down allowing interaction with the Otherworld. When the veil between the world is the thinnest […]

Summer Goddesses

By Lady Haight-Ashton (originally published in Panegyria Magazine on Jul 15, 2023) Do you have a Summer Goddess with whom you feel a connection? One very special Goddess and not one that is very well known is Aine the Celtic Goddess of love, splendor and beauty, fertility, and the radiance of the Sun. She is also thought by many to […]

Mabon/Autumnal Equinox Oracle for 2023

Let the Oracle speak… Tis the season of glittering oranges and reds, all colours of the purest spectrum. Yet many more multi-hued auras vibrate all around us, only to be unseen by our limited human vision. Awaken your spirit with this Magickal season of changes. Open your eyes wide and let your spirit face the challenges that lay up ahead. […]

The Priestess

By Lady Haight Ashton  (Originally published in Panegyria Magazine on Sep 15, 2023)   Who is she? How do we define her persona? A Priestess is a ritual leader, often regarded as the “Mother” of a spiritual community and an important decision maker within a range of blessed roles. Ancient Priestesses were considered revered instruments of the Goddess in many […]

Lammas/Lughnasadh Oracle 2023

Wrapped in the veils of visions…the Oracle speaks We are upon the days of the first harvest, watched over by the Divine power of the Goddess. Within the cornucopia of rich possibilities, there is sadly no abundance for everyone.  She weeps for us, as Her tears become reminders of the despair that sadly falls upon the needy, the homeless and the […]

The Mystery of Dreams and Prophecies

A plush flower petal, once part of a thriving rose blossom, willingly detaches itself. Gracefully it descends through the warm morning air to embrace its new found freedom. This tender petal now travels a solitary path. Slowly tossing about with the gentle night time breeze, the petal softly caresses the supple cheek of a nearby slumbering dreamer. It glides down […]

Summer Solstice Oracle – 2023

Happy Solstice! The following is my Oracle…..told to me in a recent meditation. How can you define the formula of your life? We transition within the physical and the spiritual, always looking for a sense of balance. As the sun and moon spin within the cosmos so does our bodies. We spiral and dance daily within our earthly boundaries never […]

Spring Goddesses

Spring Goddesses By Lady Haight-Ashton (originally published in Panegyria Magazine on Mar 28, 2023) The Goddess is alive and Magick is afoot! The ancient Germanic Goddess Ostara (also known as Eostre), who alongside the beloved Persephone are both Goddesses of Springtime. Ostara’s symbols are abundant signs of fertility in the images of the hare and ornately painted eggs. We honor […]

Beltaine 2023

We are in the season of the Witch. We hail to the great Goddess our Divine Mother and her God Consort. We gladly partake of their conjoined passions that feed all that is within the natural world. Humanity is created of earthbound matter but our spirits are ethereal and can soar freely. How can we spark the transcendent spirit to […]

Ostara Oracle 2023

The Oracle speaks….. Through dew-stained windows, the colors of Ostara will soon be free to shine as vibrant rainbow beams of sunlight. With great optimism the intricate patterns of life in all its forms will be released once again with the anticipation of new beginnings. Yet there is a lurking darkness so fearsome that it blocks the light. We are […]

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