Wintry Tales

Cold winter nights in Maine with wild winds and unrelenting snow can cause the mind to wander amidst old tales of mysterious spirits and ancient folklore. There is an ancient tale rooted in Slavic Pagan beliefs about Snegurka. She is a Snow Maiden with deep blue eyes, red lips and snow-white skin. Her hair is often braided or curly and […]


The Veiled Oracle speaks her words for Imbolc/Candlemas: The waterways of our planet shimmer and churn with uncertainty. The eternal dance within its core feels wounded. But the earth is resilient and we as inhabitants are poised to unite in a quest to see the hopeful cracks of light that will soon be upon us. Can we imagine a world […]

Winter Goddesses

The Northern winds blow with a chilling swiftness, heralding visions of Winter Goddesses with their crystalline and sparkling snowflake crowns.  There are many Goddesses associated with the Wintry months. They help us to celebrate the mystery of the dormant earth and the hibernation of her many creatures.  Recently I wrote an article on Winter Goddesses, you can read it here:  […]

Reminiscing the Dawning of the New Year 

Early Morning The eeriness of last night’s dark sky was as intense as my dreams rung bright. Cascading in our subconscious dreams allow us to travel upon unknown roads and pathways. Last night as I lay in bed looking out the window before me, I marveled at the intricate gnarled branches of my ancient lilac tree now devoid of its violet colors […]

Yule Blessings for 2022

As the first powdery snow fell in Maine, the Oracle spoke… ‘The Northern winds blow with a chilling swiftness, heralding visions of Winter Goddesses with their crystalline and sparkling snowflake crowns. Nicneven of the wild chilled Scottish moors and the wintry Slavic Goddess Morana speaks to us of this season of bleakness when the earth is in repose. Do not […]

Samhain Oracle

This year’s Samhain Oracle will be read in the Temple of Nine Wells Samhain Ritual on Gallows Hill October 31, 2022   The Oracle speaks: ‘We are part of the Earth that rumbles deep within. Its very core reverberates and thunders a message that is only heard within our souls. The warning is clear, we must renew our faith in the […]

Book review by Exclusive Magazine

  Lady’s newest book ‘The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity’ was recently reviewed by Exclusive Magazine! The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity tells the story of the Oracles and Sibyls, Seers, Psychics, Sacred Dancers and Healers of ancient civilizations. They were empowered women who enthralled those who sought their advice and served the Goddess they revered. Tales about ancient Priestesses and the […]

Autumn Equinox/Mabon Oracle (2022)

The Oracle speaks through the veil of time… Our spiritual harmony comes from the threads that connect us to our community. We must open our eyes to recognize our truth. Within the gossamer threads, only visible to those who can see them, are the many changes and variations that bind our destinies to this earth. Harmony becomes the music of […]

Would You Like to Know Your Future?

As a Psychic Medium, Tarot Reader, Dream Interpreter and a Sacred Dancer, I will help you to unlock the key to your personal fulfillment and success. Let me shed encouraging light upon your life struggles and decisions. With my extraordinary talents, I will help you to find your way to a better outcome by answering your questions about relationships, finances, […]

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