Intro to Egyptian Mythology

Lady teaches an Introduction to Egyptian Mythology online through Woolston Stein Theological Seminary. This revered Wiccan Seminary has many courses for those interested in learning more about history, Wiccan beliefs, rituals, magic and more. So whether you are interested in exploring a degree or simply taking a course or two, Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary offers the finest possible education to those […]

Lammas Ritual

I was invited to an Alexandrian Lammas Ritual on Saturday, August 6, 2022 in Salem, MA. To honor that invitation I channeled this Oracle… Ancient Mother we hear you calling. Let us feel her magnificent Earth. Reach down and touch her skin within each blade of grass and each twisted vine. The sensations that you feel within your finger tips are the […]

Interview with evOke Magazine

Lady was recently interviewed by evOke magazine to discuss the release of her newest book The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity:   ev0ke: Your new book Pagan Portals: The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity has just been released. First, congratulations! Second, how did this book come about? Why a book about ancient priestesses? LHA: I write about Priestesses because I am one. I have always felt […]

Temple Priestesses of Antiquity

A bit about Lady’s newest book — Temple Priestesses of Antiquity     In the Temple Priestesses of Antiquity Lady shares an important narrative that needs to be heard. Many books have been written about Oracles and Sibyls but no author has had the passion or personal knowledge that Lady, as a Medium and Oracle, presents with this book. Often the […]

Fire’s Passion

Fire is the passion of life. It ignites our souls and sparks our creativity. A life without passion would be a very dull existence indeed! Embracing it allows one to give way entirely to desire and set one’s spirit on Fire. As Fire’s nature is to grow, expand, and envelop, so should the flame of Passion. Take from Fire the […]

A Course on the History of Gardnerian Wicca

Wicca 111 – History of Gardnerian Wicca. Course Instructor: Lady Haight-Ashton (Lady Lilith, HPS) In this course you will discover the early beginnings of Gardnerian Wicca, from an exploration of ancient British Witches and their stories, to the mystical journey of Gerald Gardner. The history of Gardnerian Wicca in England, and the journey to America, reveals a complex chronicle that […]

‘Temple Priestesses of Antiquity’ was reviewed by Publishers Weekly!

Publishers Weekly Book Review  Pagan Portals: The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity by Lady Haight-Ashton “Medium Haight-Ashton studies ancient female pagan spiritual leaders’ contributions to religious life….details the stories and practices of female healers, oracles, psychics, seers and sibyls from antiquity who were believed to possess abilities that ranged from seeing into the future to communing with the dead….Haight-Ashton begins with […]

The Spirit of Air

Allow yourself a special invigorating Air experience. On a clear day, get into a comfortable position lying on the grass, in a field or just sitting in a park, looking up into the spacious canvas of the Element Air. Relax your body, breathe slowly, and inhale and exhale deeply, while acknowledging the Air flowing into your lungs. Continue to relax […]

Visions of Air

I view the daytime sky as a canvas of magnificent clouds in incredible shapes, sizes, and hues. Our ancient ancestors believed that the Gods and Goddesses rode upon the clouds. In these gossamer winged chariots, they rode displaying their power for all to see and interpret. In ancient Hebrew mythology, the chariots became the winged Cherub with their ancient God […]

The Element of Air

The calming sensation of Air surrounds and caresses us with silence and the palest feeling. It’s like a soft breath gently blowing upon our skin. We are at one with the Element of Air, walking through its invisible force; gratefully opening our lungs so that it may permeate our being and give us life. Through breath, Air becomes as much […]

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