Blessing to the Goddess Selket

Selket, Divine Goddess of healing and magick… I ask for your life giving and powerful breath, the elixir of long life. Within your graceful, yet powerful presence I honor thee. Let your worship ring forth through the ages. I offer the airy breath of this incense (burn any incense of your choice) to honor your great power and my own […]

Selket — Breath of the East

Selket — also known as Serqet, Serkt, Selqet, Selkit, Selkis — was worshipped in the Southern Delta. Her cult was once spread throughout the land of ancient Egypt, though no records or traces of her temples have been found. Many years ago, while studying for my first Degree in the Gardnerian tradition of Witchcraft, I was relaxing on my couch […]

The Scorpion Goddess

As one of the four funerary Goddesses in the Book of the Dead, Selket aided Isis, Nephthys, and Neith in guarding the canopic jars of Osiris. Ancient pyramid texts claim that she was the mother of Nehebkau, a snake God who protected the pharaoh from snakebites. Her Priests and Priestesses were known to be doctors and magicians of ancient Egyptian […]

Beltaine Rites

We call to the Great God to join us in our Beltaine Rite. Bring us your power and energy as we welcome the warmth of the season and celebrate Spring in all its glory and abundance. Come to us as the Horned One, who runs wild and free upon the land and come to us as the Lord of the […]

The Goddess Selket

Who is the Goddess Selket? Well, she traveled through millennia and splashed into our consciousness in one remarkable moment, when the British archaeologist Howard Carter took his long awaited peek into the tomb of King Tut and said, “I see wonderful things.” It was at that moment when her rebirth was assured. There she stood in this long forgotten tomb […]

Sacred Dance

As a Sacred Dancer and choreographer, I created a dance to honor my Goddess Lilith. It was a simple dance of desire that lasted for just a few minutes’ duration. Clothed in a vibrant red lace bodysuit, the dancer as Lilith enters the stage dancing with uninhibited abandon. She twirls and spins with graceful arms expressing a vast array of […]

The Myth of Persephone

Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Persephone is a Goddess of Spring and helps Demeter tend plants. Hades, Lord of the Underworld, was smitten with Persephone and asked Zeus for her hand. Zeus didn’t consent because he feared Demeter’s temper. Hades whisks Persephone away to the Underworld anyway and makes her Queen of the Underworld.  But Demeter was […]


The Goddess is alive and Magick is afoot! Join me in invoking the ancient Germanic Goddess Ostara, who alongside of Persephone, is also a Goddess of the Springtime.  Her symbols are abundant signs of fertility in the images of the hare and ornately painted eggs. There is not much known about Ostara (also known as Eostre) except that we honor […]

Sacred Copper

Copper is the metal of the Goddess. It is of the Divine. It has long been associated with the planet Venus. It is forever warm and soft and powerful in your hands. As a conductor of electricity, it melds with the human spirit when worn on our bodies and creates an energy field so potent that its magick is well […]

Praise for Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary

“When I see this picture, I think of my incredible spirit sister, Lady Haight-Ashton, a wordsmith with several fantastic books. ‘Lady’ is her name. She is a Wiccan High Priestess, and is afforded the title, AND her name is ‘Lady’. She was one of the three priestesses that I was honored to work with in Salem at Gallows Hill (Samhain). […]

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