The Oracle Speaks

An excerpt from “The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity” available August 1, 2022 Here is the Oracle that was given to Lady Haight-Ashton within a meditation for the Imbolc/Candlemas Ritual 2021   The Oracle Speaks  Holy Mother Brid calls to us with Her chorus As the mighty winds of change blow; the oceans, rivers and streams begin to tremble Everything pours […]

Celebrate Imbolc/Candlemas — February 2

Whether you are within a Coven or practice Solitary Let us light the candles during this year of 2022 and the celebration of Imbolc/Candlemas Wednesday, February 2nd Light the first candle in honor of the Goddess Brighid whose feast day is now at Imbolc.  Let us ask Brighid to picture Her healing light penetrating the Winter’s darkness. With the second […]


The Coven members assembled within the circle as I the HPS blessed and anointed each with the sacred oil as I lead them into the sacred space….that was Imbolc 2020. It was the final in-person ritual for Sacred Moon Coven before the onslaught of the pandemic. Within our Imbolc ritual honoring Brid our feast of nine candles burned the brightest […]

Winter Goddesses

Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter is the season between autumn and spring. I look out my windows to see one day after another of sparkling frost and bright snow. Within my meditations I am inspired by many Winter Goddesses, but one in particular. Cailleach, the old woman, the Divine Winter Hag and Queen of Winter, ancestor to the Irish […]


LET US LIGHT THE YULE LOG AND GATHER AROUND THE FIREPLACE Create your log with these woods and decorate with ivy and cranberries Ash — brings protection, prosperity, and health Aspen — invokes understanding of the grand design Birch — signifies new beginnings Holly — inspires visions and reveals past lives Oak — brings healing, strength, and wisdom Pine — signifies prosperity and growth Willow — invokes the Goddess to achieve desires  

Yule/Winter Solstice – Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A Time for Celebration and Thankfulness Saga of the Holly King/Oak King We celebrate the light overcoming the dark, as the two are brothers, rivals or the flip sides of the same coin. The Oak King rules from midwinter until midsummer and the Holly King rules from midsummer until midwinter.  Every year at Yule the Oak King cuts off the […]

New Book Info

Lady’s newest book will be released August 1, 2022. It’s available for pre-order. The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity tells the story of the Oracles and Sibyls, Seers, Psychics, Sacred Dancers and Healers of ancient civilizations. They were empowered women who enthralled those who sought their advice and served the Goddess they revered. Tales about ancient Priestesses and the Sacred Temples […]

Upcoming Courses

As a faculty member of Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary I will be teaching my course “Sacred Sites of the Ancient Temple Priestesses” remotely in the Winter semester starting January 4th.  Here are the legends and myths of these Ancient Priestesses and their Temple Sanctuaries, some with traces still visible today. In these holiest of sacred sites, these Priestesses honored their matron […]

Exciting News!!!

“The First Sisters: Lilith and Eve” will be featured in Watkin’s Mind Body Spirit Magazine. Watkin’s bookstore in London was established 120 years ago and is the largest spiritual and esoteric bookstore in Europe. Mind Body Spirit is their quarterly magazine with a subscription list of 25,000 and a readership of over 100,000 and a digital readership of over […]

The Abundance of Giving

The Thanksgiving Holiday will soon be upon us.  We should remember that it is made up of two words “Thanks and Giving”. I believe in helping others in my community by working within a non-profit group that raises money for those in need, such as school lunches and snacks, school supplies for teachers, scholarships and gift baskets for our shut-ins. […]

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