Samhain’s end….

In the days following Samhain we are reminded of just how quickly the Wheel of the Year turns towards the Winter Solstice and Yule. Now the brightly colored leaves of Autumn are making their final journey as they fall from the trees. “And the Wise know that every ending is a new beginning and for Witches this is law; from […]

October 31st Samhain Night

On Samhain Night at the Ritual on Gallows Hill in Salem, Massachusetts, as a veiled High Priestess, I channel the “Veil” between the worlds. For all of those who are solitary or within a Coven setting let my words ring forth within your celebration: “On this night I am the veil that divides the worlds and on this night my […]

History of Samhain (known to most as Halloween)

End of Summer Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years. The holiday we know as Halloween has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries…. from the Roman’s Pomona Day, to the Celtic festival of Samhain, to the Christian holidays of All Saints and All Souls Days. Hundreds of years ago in […]

It’s Halloween Month and the time for “Trick or Treat”

Early Halloween Treats During the Medieval time period through the 1930s, children in England would go door-to-door on Halloween offering prayers for the souls of the household in exchange for rice or soul cakes. This practice, known as souling, was brought with the early settlers over to America. This custom changed to trick-or-treating in the early 1930s and 1940s as […]

Autumnal Equinox/Mabon Ritual September 2021

Autumn’s mantle wraps around us. Leaves of auburn, orange and red gather in the wind. As the ripe pomegranate splits open, the seeds shall filter through the earth and the universe with the intention of awakening all. But it is not time. Dark days await us. The hermit will soon light the way and the gates between the psychic realms […]


My definition of a spell is a” focused prayer”. It is not only about the words, but the intention behind them. It is mind over matter. With a wish we tend to use emotion when we say the words. For an individual practicing Wicca or Witchcraft that is an important aspect of the success of a spell. It is the […]

Craft of the Wise

Witchcraft or Wicca is known as the “Craft of the Wise”. It is the fastest growing religion in the United States and perhaps the world. Yet many people are unable to find a Coven to join or simply prefer to practice alone. Because of the “Burning Times”, when those who practiced the old religion were persecuted, many felt it was […]

I am the Undine of the Waterfall

The captivating watery cousins called Mermaids, Silkies and Sirens have been swimming through our imaginations and mythologies for centuries. But what of the elusive and little-known Undine, acknowledged by Pagans and Witches as a Water Elemental Spirit? The elemental Undine was thought by many ancient sources to be the first offspring of the primal Mother as Water, the first of […]

Dancing Undines

I am the sparkling foam of the falling Water I am the twinkling light of the Sun’s reflection Dancing against rock Bouncing between spraying drops Just a moment But a glance I am conceived to last not at all   Copyright by Lady Haight-Ashton

Daffodils and butterflies

August is a surprising month. It holds within its days the ripeness of summer that we embrace with ravenousness energy. Yet Autumn looms ever closer. So, we rejoice in the moment and let the season enchant.    Daffodils and butterflies Daffodils and butterflies, are dancing in the breeze, The tulips rebirth, Makes my heart feel so free. As I wander […]

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