New Book Info

“The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity” is under contract with my Publisher John Hunt Publishing, LLC in the UK and I am pleased. John Hunt published my previous book “The First Sisters: Lilith and Eve” which has been selling in bookstores around the world and of course on Amazon.   Here is an excerpt from “The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity”: “Whether […]

Litha/Summer Solstice Oracle

We are surrounded by shadows. Hidden within our unconscious mind is the light where the realm of wholeness within our soul fulfills our highest purpose. But first we must descend into the darkness, where all things are hidden. Draw aside the Veil to see the path that leads to the temple of the Sun. Follow the cavernous path that leads […]


A key is the opener of many locks, whether a heart or a door or treasure chest. Keys also symbolize the unknown mysteries that lay beyond. Keys remind us that we alone hold the key to our destiny. We can open or close the door. We have the power. I wear a small ornate silver key on a chain around […]

Witches’ Brooms

I am a Witch and I love brooms or as we sometimes call them “besoms”.  We are truly in the midst of spring and it is a time to cleanse our homes and our special sacred places. Sweep away the negative and sweep in the positive. I have an amazing besom made from the “Witches Broome” plant that grows here […]

Words are Choreography

As the wheel of the year turns, I have been moved with a passionate frenzy to write my next book. I am channeling an ancient source that inspires my words. Being an Oracle and Sibyl I am oftentimes transported into alluring meditative realms that arouse my creative spirit. As a Sacred Dancer words are choreography to my soul. The result […]

Beltaine Oracle

As the High Priestess of Sacred Moon Coven, I am opening up the broome closet door for our outdoor Beltaine Ritual and Maypole on Sunday, May 2nd. With the seclusion that we have all experienced, we are now for the first time in what seems like ages coming out and regaining our Magick. As an Oracle, I veiled myself and […]

Moon Cycles

We just experienced our April Full Moon, the luminous Pink Moon. Why pink? Supposedly it represents the pink moss that appears in various parts of the world. Here in Maine, I haven’t yet seen pink moss! Full Moons are the optimal times to cleanse your space, body, and mind. It symbolizes the circle of wholeness and strength. It is the Yin […]

Persephone’s Return

With Persephone’s return Spring brings rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and regrowth. I can see tiny green buds just starting to peek out here and there and everywhere! Looking out upon the grounds of Ashton Hall I can see my circle of daffodils straining to break through their green sleeves. I anxiously await their golden yellow debut. Persephone, Queen of the […]

Becoming A Sacred Dancer

What is the allure for a dancer to embrace the sacred within? Is it just simply a moment in time or an experience that influences our destiny? Do the Muses push us toward our path? I believe we are all dancers in our hearts. Our bodies feel rhythms to which most of us will move our heads, others tap their […]

Call To The Winds Of Change

April is the fourth month and the second of Spring. Mercury rules the number 4 which is the number of the elemental earth and mankind. It is the number of the square and the cardinal points of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Though I tend to like odd numbers best, I can say that the number 4 is a worthy […]

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