The Wheel Of The Year Turns

The Wheel of the Year Turns and soon we will have Beltaine! It is time to come out of the “Broome Closet” that has held us these many many pandemic months and feel the fragrant air of nature on our cheeks. It is a time to pursue our dreams whatever they may be and a time to laugh and sing […]

Faerie Dreams

Ah! Take clear starry nights and a glowing Moon and mix it with the hopefulness of Spring and one is part of a very Magickal moment. Shall we dance with the Faeries tonight! How to Have Faerie Dreams: Place 3 shiny pennies in a vase of fresh flowers. Place near your bed. Wildflowers are especially liked by Faeries so they […]

Painted Eggs

I collect eggs and not just any eggs. Beautiful and ornately painted specimens or sparkling crystal orbs, I am entranced with their symbolization. The egg brings us hope with its unhatched potential. They remind us of the fertile circle of life. It is the custom for each coven member of Sacred Moon to gift me with a special egg at […]

Ostara/Spring Equinox

The Moon is well into its waxing phase as we just celebrated Ostara/Spring Equinox. The Sun has entered Aries revitalizing the cardinal fire that sparks the new born greenery. Welcome Persephone, Goddess of Nature, the very seed that brings fruit to the earth. Reaching out with Zoom rituals, however necessary during these times, does not fulfill my passion for tradition. […]

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