Autumnal Equinox/Mabon Ritual September 2021
Autumn’s mantle wraps around us. Leaves of auburn, orange and red gather in the wind.
As the ripe pomegranate splits open, the seeds shall filter through the earth and the universe with the intention of awakening all.
But it is not time. Dark days await us.
The hermit will soon light the way and the gates between the psychic realms and the physical spheres
will open. But not now, for we are disconnected and lost. Our world is in flux.
The spiritual flow of the cosmos is disturbed. And the Goddess weeps for all those who do not see her and for the suffering they endure.
Look toward the bright heavens, and down into the dark labyrinth and all around for the Goddess is everywhere, in every creature and atom and within you.
Open your hearts to the sky, and look into her cosmic mirror of stars to see the first spark of awareness. The answer of your life experience is within you for the taking. Unlock the depth within your soul.
Do not despair, for with darkness there is light.
The universal consciousness glows through the heart of existence. Emptiness is replaced with wholeness as you gain the spiritual truth that is part of the microcosm of the etheric space within dimensions.
Time is awakening to its balance as the NOW becomes not just the present but also the past. The future is within us to see and feel like the Akashic records within our DNA. We can enrich our planet with the seeds of hope and nourishment and truly part the veil of mysteries.