Call To The Winds Of Change
April is the fourth month and the second of Spring.
Mercury rules the number 4 which is the number of the elemental earth and mankind.
It is the number of the square and the cardinal points of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Though I tend to like odd numbers best, I can say that the number 4 is a worthy number!
I love to breathe in the springtime air each morning and to look about to see the subtle changes that are beginning to show. A speck of green here and there and even a bit of color.
The Moon descends into its waning phase and the Wheel of the Year turns again and again.
Ah! And the Winds of Change are blowing, sometimes with a whisper and other times with such strong gusts that we become immersed in its powerful momentum.
Sometimes air claims its dominance over all the other elements. Air, invisible yet with every breath so vital to our survival. It inspires the power of our minds and stimulates our imagination.
Call to the Winds of Change
I (your name) call to the winds of change
The North sparks the power of mystery
While the East gives rise
to the dawn of knowledge.
The South heralds the passion of emotions
As the West beckons
to my strength and courage.
Cleanse my body and spirit,
Oh, powerful winds,
Bring me good health,
prosperity, and wisdom
Taken from “If Mermaids Could Dance”
written by Lady Lilith (Lady Haight-Ashton)