A Course on the History of Gardnerian Wicca
Wicca 111 – History of Gardnerian Wicca.
Course Instructor: Lady Haight-Ashton (Lady Lilith, HPS)
In this course you will discover the early beginnings of Gardnerian Wicca, from an exploration of ancient British Witches and their stories, to the mystical journey of Gerald Gardner. The history of Gardnerian Wicca in England, and the journey to America, reveals a complex chronicle that will challenge the student of Wicca’s understanding in many ways.
As students you will not only learn but experience some of the ancient mysteries that influenced Gardner as he created this most well-known Witchcraft tradition. You will discover that Gardner’s story is only the beginning, as through the years many influential Priestesses and Priests helped to further the validity of this tradition.
You will be brought through the door to a new spiritual perspective.
Classes are offered online through Woolston-Stein Theological Seminary.