I am the Undine of the Waterfall
The captivating watery cousins called Mermaids, Silkies and Sirens have been swimming through our imaginations and mythologies for centuries. But what of the elusive and little-known Undine, acknowledged by Pagans and Witches as a Water Elemental Spirit?
The elemental Undine was thought by many ancient sources to be the first offspring of the primal Mother as Water, the first of all substances, the amniotic fluid of the universe.
Undines are full bodied female phantoms who lie within small bodies of Water like forest pools and oftentimes under fast moving waterfalls. At certain times they manifest as pale ethereal visions that are sparked by and grow stronger from the electrical current that is built up under waterfalls.
As ancient mythology and fables tell, these gossamer visions only last a few moments. But any unsuspecting person wandering by at the moment of the Undine inception will swoon from love upon viewing so enigmatic and powerful an image.
Enchanting dancers of the Waters, we honor you for the power you represent, as you are mysterious, beautiful, and free.
And at times their beautiful singing voices heard over the sound of water will simply mesmerize the listener. Other legends tell of their lack of a soul. They are a true enigma.
Through the ages many artists have incorrectly depicted Undines, Nixies (Germanic River Spirits), Nereids (Greek Mermaids), and Mermaids as interchangeable Water Nymphs inhabiting any and all bodies of Water. Nevertheless, these fascinating creatures exist together in our minds, hearts, and souls. Their watery dancing essence and vision can empower both men and women.
Learning to embrace the unique Undine’s ever flowing energy truly allows us to Become One with The Goddess of the Watery depths.
As a Sacred Dancer and teacher, I acknowledge the full-bodied grace of these mystifying creatures. To move or dance like an Undine is to flow in a continuous never-ending lingering movement, like dancing underwater. Undines offer us a view into the hearts of creatures so spirit-like that they are barely visible.
In my dance classes and workshops, I teach my students to relax their breath and dance as if they were underwater, mimicking the Undine’s liberated dance. This exercise of slowing down one’s movements creates an inner calm that truly rings one in touch with the Goddess of the watery depths.
The next time you are in the shower, indulge yourself by feeling the strength of the spraying Water as positive energy empowering you, not just with cleanliness, but with magickal energy. Replenish your inner essence by embracing the element of Water and all Her Goddess aspects.
These words honor Lady Olivia Robertson of the Fellowship of Isis, who joyfully danced with me in life and still does in spirit.