Interview with evOke Magazine
Lady was recently interviewed by evOke magazine to discuss the release of her newest book The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity:
ev0ke: Your new book Pagan Portals: The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity has just been released. First, congratulations! Second, how did this book come about? Why a book about ancient priestesses?
LHA: I write about Priestesses because I am one. I have always felt a strong connection to these ancient women.
As a Sacred Dancer, the Dancing Priestesses of the Egyptian Goddess Hather are my ancestral sisters. When I beat the sistrum, their sacred musical instrument, I feel like I am dancing in their processional footsteps.
The ancient Oracle Priestesses of Delphi and the Vestals of Rome all call to me to tell the stories of their sister visionaries and to bring them back to life. The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity tells the story of these Oracles and Sibyls, Seers, Psychics, Sacred Dancers and Healers of ancient civilizations.
They were empowered Priestesses who enthralled those who sought their advice and served the Goddess they revered. I count myself among the archaeologists and historians who have been fascinated with their stories for centuries.
These Priestesses lived, prayed and worked in complex temple structures above ground and in underground cavernous tunnels. Some were well-known and others forgotten to the centuries.
We are at the dawn of acknowledging the magnitude of their role in ancient religious beliefs. With the emerging story of the allusive Priestesses before us, we can now become travelers through the herstory of antiquity.
ev0ke: Which one historical tidbit did you absolutely have to include (in the book)?
LHA: The Oracle Priestesses who worked underground in ancient labyrinths of tunnels and caverns is a captivating “tidbit”. The common assumption has been that ancient Priestesses lived and worked in glorious temples and luxurious surroundings.
But that is not entirely true. Many of these Priestesses’ Temples were below the surface, where they toiled in dark and hot conditions in trancelike states to practice their trade.
There was a great mysterious allure in these labyrinth underground Temples that brought a continuous supply of paying patrons. These ritual centers were thought to be sacred portals to other realms.
You can read the full interview here