Interview with Panegyria Magazine!
The following was excerpted from an interview with Panegyria Magazine.
(You can read the full interview and more in the 2024 Ostara Edition.)
Panegyria: Why did you become a Witch and decide to practice the Craft of the Wise?
Lady: I have always been a spiritual person. I was drawn to the craft by the Goddess. Perhaps a destiny call! In discovering the myths of Goddesses throughout the various world cultures, I felt compelled to become part of a more equal balance. The balance that was and still is missing comes from mainstream religious beliefs whose main focus is the God factor. I wanted to be part of the ancient movement to bring back the Goddess for a more perfect balance.
Panegyria: Can people tell that you are a Witch when they meet you?
Lady: I doubt it…though I mostly wear black….I am really just like everyone else… except that I ascribe to an ancient and powerful spirituality.
Panegyria: How did your family respond to your awakening?
Lady: Regretfully, I was already the black sheep so this new spirituality was just the icing on the cake for them. I was totally cut off from my Catholic relatives for several years. Though in the years since a few relatives have actually become interested in my way of life and have purchased my books!
Panegyria: Are people ever curious when they find out that you are a practicing Witch?
Lady: I do not shy away from my choice to become a Witch. In addition to being a Witch and practicing with my Coven “Sacred Moon” I am also a Psychic, Oracle, and Medium. When people find out about my spirituality and my psychic abilities they are usually intrigued. Considering the preconceived misnomer of a scary Witch…I do not seem to frighten people at all!
Panegyria: Can you tell us about your “coming out of the broom closet”?
Lady: From the moment I began to study Witchcraft in earnest, I never shied away from being a Witch as I was blessed to be surrounded by a large community of likeminded individuals. So, I was always out of the closet. As a Priestesses and Sacred Dancer, I was part of Rituals in Central Park that were open to the public. And as an author of many articles and 5 books, I am definitely “out”. I now live in Maine and upon meeting my new neighbors I did not advertise my spirituality but as they got to know me as a person, they have embraced me as the Witch of our little Village. And as some are aware, I was voted in for three terms to be the President of the West Lebanon Ladies Circle. This organization is 175 years old and was founded by Baptist ladies from the First Union Church on the corner! And yes, they really like the idea that a Witch now heads the organization. And they always want their cards read and find my writings interesting!!!
Panegyria: How old were you when the Goddess called?
Lady: I was very young, probably about 17, and I was blessed to live in NYC and have access to wonderful opportunities. I would go into Weiser’s Occult Bookstore and browse for hours and ultimately buy many books about the Goddess. “The White Goddess” by Robert Graves and “Priestesses” by Norma Lorre Goodrich were great influences on my thinking. And almost simultaneously I was introduced to a community of Witches and the Craft of the Wise through the shoppe Magickal Child… which was definitely a destiny call.
Interested in learning more about Lady? Check out this interview that she did with evOke magazine.