Intro to Egyptian Mythology
Lady teaches an Introduction to Egyptian Mythology online through Woolston Stein Theological Seminary.
This revered Wiccan Seminary has many courses for those interested in learning more about history, Wiccan beliefs, rituals, magic and more.
So whether you are interested in exploring a degree or simply taking a course or two, Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary offers the finest possible education to those identifying as Wiccan. They are dedicated to serving those who seek to learn the Craft of the Wise, and minister in the ways of the Old Gods. Woolston-Steen combines traditional magical training with modern day concepts to support practitioners ministering in today’s multi-cultural world.
Myth 130 – Introduction to Egyptian Mythology
This class aims to give the student an understanding of the many complex mythical theories of Ancient Egyptian Cosmology. More than in any other mythology the distinction between the immortal Gods/Goddesses and human beings is tenuous. By exploring these myths, students will achieve an insight into the history of this fascinating ancient culture through their own personal journey of discovery. No pre-requisites required for this course.
For more information about this course and when it will start next go to https://www.wiccanseminary.edu/