Lammas Ritual
I was invited to an Alexandrian Lammas Ritual on Saturday, August 6, 2022 in Salem, MA.
To honor that invitation I channeled this Oracle…
Ancient Mother we hear you calling.
Let us feel her magnificent Earth.
Reach down and touch her skin within each blade of grass and each twisted vine.
The sensations that you feel within your finger tips are the vibrations of
messages transmitted to all those who will venture to listen.
The Mother of all communicates her fears into our very souls.
There is an uneasy rumbling deep within the Earth’s core and we must respond.
The stones high above ground and below in sub terrain caverns hold the memories of the transitions
and transformations of everything that has happened within the undying millennium.
In turn your own crystals hold similar sensations.
Hold your crystals close to your heart, and listen to the pulsing words of your ancestors.
Your crystals have travelled through millions of years witnessing the planets evolution.
If we heed their message, we can not only understand but we can work to fulfill the destiny
of our planet.
Together we are a force, separate we are a liability.
Remember we are but a particle in the scheme of life.