Moon Cycles
We just experienced our April Full Moon, the luminous Pink Moon. Why pink?
Supposedly it represents the pink moss that appears in various parts of the world. Here
in Maine, I haven’t yet seen pink moss!
Full Moons are the optimal times to cleanse your space, body, and mind. It symbolizes
the circle of wholeness and strength. It is the Yin of the feminine representing spiritual
Our Gregorian calendar is based on the Moon’s cycles and tracking the Moon is a
practice that is nearly as old as time. It is one that we should all be aware of.
Though I appreciate the energy of the fullness of the Moon and use that time to cleanse
my crystals and various magickal tools under the Moon’s cleansing gaze, I am
personally drawn to the dark cycle. As a Psychic and a Medium the dark of the moon is
my most powerful time clairvoyantly. And sometimes (which is my experience) the
paranormal becomes more alive during this time also. The dark cycle lures us towards
our deepest self, and to an understanding of the longings of the soul.
I believe anyone who embraces their psychic or intuitive self should monitor the Moon
cycles to find the time that increases their perceptive gifts. Understanding your
individual power cycle is a vital aspect in developing clairvoyant abilities.