New Book Info
“The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity” is under contract with my
Publisher John Hunt Publishing, LLC in the UK and I am pleased. John
Hunt published my previous book “The First Sisters: Lilith and Eve”
which has been selling in bookstores around the world and of course on
Here is an excerpt from “The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity”:
“Whether Oracles, Seers, Psychics and Sibyls, or Sacred Dancers and
Healers, the ancient Temple Priestesses wove a narrative of both realism
and mythology. They held court in every ancient civilization with their
mysterious and mystical powers. These empowered women enthralled those
who sought their advice while always serving the Goddess they revered.”
Production will start in two weeks, but with marketing and all that goes
into printing and distribution it will take 10 months. I will keep
everyone updated as to when pre-orders will be available.