October 31st Samhain Night
On Samhain Night at the Ritual on Gallows Hill in Salem, Massachusetts, as a veiled High Priestess, I channel the “Veil” between the worlds.
For all of those who are solitary or within a Coven setting let my words ring forth within your celebration:
“On this night I am the veil that divides the worlds and on this night my veils are the thinnest, as the gates between the worlds are opened. Here is the mystery within the mystery.
We meet in time out of time everywhere and nowhere, here and there, to greet the Lord of shadows, who is the Lord of Life, and the Triple Goddess, who is the Circle of Rebirth.
We welcome the shades of the dead who now walk among us and the Wise know that every ending is a new beginning and for Witches this is law; from where we choose to enter in, from there we must withdraw.”
“This is the Sacred night of Samhain, the Festival of the Dead. The Mother that was Maiden has now become the Crone, the Old and Wise, whose other face is the Queen of Darkness, the Broomstick Hag, whose icy breath shakes us shivering from the naked Tree of Life, whose bittersweet gift is death.
In token of this gift by which life renews itself, we bring to her altar this night the gift of ourselves, that we may be thus renewed. For we are the symbol in the Eye and the reflection in the Mirror; for we are the Goddess beholding Herself.”
“O shades of the past and spirits of the future come to us through this gateway that we now place between the Worlds.”
Ye Witches hear these tidings,
Now Samhain fires are burning.
Come tread the round on sacred ground
The Sabbat Wheel is turning.
Set your spirits free, Blessed Be!
By Earth, Air, Water and Fire, Let none now fear who enter here,
But fulfilment of desire!