Ostara/Spring Equinox
The Moon is well into its waxing phase as we just celebrated Ostara/Spring Equinox. The Sun has entered Aries revitalizing the cardinal fire that sparks the new born greenery. Welcome Persephone, Goddess of Nature, the very seed that brings fruit to the earth.
Reaching out with Zoom rituals, however necessary during these times, does not fulfill my passion for tradition. Though I can breathe in the transformation of the season as the winds of change swirl around me, I miss touching and joining hands with my sister and brother Witches. We once danced the sacred dance of Springtide together and some day we shall again.
I am an Oracle, a Sibyl. I heed the sacred call of the Goddess. As the Wheel of the year turns and each Witch’s Sabbat dawns, I become a conduit for the Divine verse of the Goddess. Veiled within deep meditation I channeled her spiritual essence and these were her words for Ostara 2021.
Harken to the voice of the Oracle, for her words shall “Lift the Veil”. She speaks softly in unison within the etheric essence of the unknown that surrounds us. Listen to her, for the Goddess speaks through her and she will transport you to an initiation of realization.
Feel the persona of the Empress who becomes the expansive Sophia transporting us through the Cosmos into our physical world. She allows us to become open enough to receive, to melt into a surrendered state of soothing exchange. Reach for the tender Yin flow. The Emperor’s persona is collective as the universe smiles and the Yang merges with the Yin. He holds court at the throne of the Goddess. Here we have the subtle duality of the Cosmos that connects us to the new cycle of our physical earth.
Arouse yourself from your worldly slumber to become an open channel by which the spirit of the Goddess can be heard within you. Dissolve into a state of perceptive understanding.
Take heed, for the Oracle is wise…from the stirred tears of her soul to yours let the Divine essence of transcendence fill you, as you fill others with hope. Move tenderly into the gentle relaxation of euphoria, as you enter into the spacious aura of the Goddess. There is only unconditional love in an accessible and receptive heart.