Painted Eggs
I collect eggs and not just any eggs.
Beautiful and ornately painted specimens or sparkling crystal orbs, I am entranced with their symbolization.
The egg brings us hope with its unhatched potential. They remind us of the fertile circle of life.
It is the custom for each coven member of Sacred Moon to gift me with a special egg at Ostara. I have so many many splendid examples. Now is the time that I display them throughout my house in baskets and bowls. Their presence brings me into the season of rebirth. I can almost feel the ground stir.
The Eastern European hand painted eggs, that I love, incorporate very intricate designs with each having an important meaning. I am aware that certain colors such as red symbolize love, yellow is youth, green relates to the fertility of nature, and blue is for health.
In all hand painted eggs, the decorative motifs are diverse, and reflect not only certain symbols, but also the artistry of the painter.
And then we have the ever-popular crystal eggs. And I have quite a splendid collection. Recently I was given a gorgeous aquamarine crystal egg and it is prominently displayed.
Each Ostara in turn I bring a hand painted egg to my favorite neighbors as a reminder of the wonderful new season that is dawning. And since I am a chocoholic, who loves to share, I usually add a few chocolate eggs into the package for good measure!