Reminiscing the Dawning of the New Year 

Reminiscing the Dawning of the New Year 

Early Morning

The eeriness of last night’s dark sky was as intense as my dreams rung bright. Cascading in our subconscious dreams allow us to travel upon unknown roads and pathways.

Last night as I lay in bed looking out the window before me, I marveled at the intricate gnarled branches of my ancient lilac tree now devoid of its violet colors and covered in frosty speckles. Not really a moonless night but one where a glowing sliver of a crescent was barely visible through a mantle of meandering trees. 

I wondered what whimsical visons awaited me. Magick happens within sweet slumber. As if time shifted suddenly memories of a fantastical surreal dreamlike reverie ended and I woke up to the fresh brilliance of a new dawn.


The new calendar year dawns. I am looking at cupcakes and cookies and candies from a night of frivolity. One cannot eat all that has been accumulated during the holiday festivities so it is time to package up delectable items for delivery to my neighbors. This has been a time of giving.…a time to share the bounty.

I am reminded of the Goddess Volla…the Norse Goddess of Bounty and Fertility. Her color is gold and so I shall invoke the bright color of the Sun that hopefully will shine its warmth upon the frosty earth that surrounds my home.


The sky darkens almost miraculously as I look through my bedroom window. Will I see twinkling stars and Venus shining brightly overhead in this wintry sky?

It is always a surprise when I can witness the glory of the universe above my head. How marvelous it would be to pick up my Witch’s Besom and fly away into the night sky…but regretfully I do not have that ability!!!


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