Sacred Dance

Sacred Dance

As a Sacred Dancer and choreographer, I created a dance to honor my Goddess Lilith. It was a simple dance of desire that lasted for just a few minutes’ duration.

Clothed in a vibrant red lace bodysuit, the dancer as Lilith enters the stage dancing with uninhibited abandon. She twirls and spins with graceful arms expressing a vast array of impassioned emotions.

Almost at the moment of her exhaustion there is a whispered sound coming from far away. As it comes closer and closer the sound vibrates with a pulsating beat.

Slowly one can recognize the rhythmic sound of Tibetan Monks chanting. Their hypnotic voices slowly grow louder and louder until Lilith suddenly stops her wild dance and collapses in exhaustion onto the floor.

As the chanting gets louder, she tries to raise herself up, but each time a bell rings and she is driven back to the floor. Yet slowly but surely, she lifts herself up into a sitting position.

Throwing her head back in abandon she begins to laugh with glee, stopping only to say with a powerful voice “but she is still here“. And the stage lights go down.

As a Priestess of Lilith this dance summarizes the plight of Lilith from her passionate dance with Adam that left her unfulfilled, to her banishment from paradise. I often wonder why no one has choreographed a dance piece about Eve, Lilith’s sister.

*Excerpt taken from Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine, Issue 69 Mar/May 2022

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