Samhain Oracle (2023)
The Oracle lifts the Veil and speaks…
Tis the Season of the Witch.
Cauldrons will be blazing and feet will be dancing round and round within the sacred space of many Samhain circles and rituals. Here lay the foundation for change that is within each of us. Tolerance and understanding mixed with vitality and purpose.
What is lacking? The earth that we walk upon is crying for salvation, for life. For there is only death and destruction around us.
On this sacred night we can feel the electric energy of the mortal Witches of the world who gather in the flesh joined by their spirit ancestors of old to raise the Cone of Power. We welcome the darkness of the wintry months but we must clearly see the pathway to rebirth that lay before all who gather this night.
We do not fear the dark as Persephone travels to the underworld and Inanna journeys there in her transition of rebirth. United on this night we can raise a Cone of Power that transcends culture, background, or ideology.
Never fear the power of the Witch.