The Mystery of Dreams and Prophecies
A plush flower petal, once part of a thriving rose blossom, willingly detaches itself. Gracefully it descends through the warm morning air to embrace its new found freedom. This tender petal now travels a solitary path. Slowly tossing about with the gentle night time breeze, the petal softly caresses the supple cheek of a nearby slumbering dreamer. It glides down a delicate neck until reaching its final resting place on an unsuspecting bare shoulder.
Neither the petal’s feathery touches nor its buoyant landing can rouse the sleeper. Oh, such sweet slumber! What visual scene could the mere stroke of a petal on one’s cheek inspire? One simple touch within a somnolent moment can stimulate a cornucopia of enchanting images. It can unleash an unbelievable hunger to awaken and arouse the subconscious imagination.
The mind can be stirred to envision the impossible, thereby creating a fanciful diversion from reality. Perhaps there will be passionate visions of Sirens and Mermaids nakedly dancing hand in hand within white crested ocean waves. Perhaps the imagination of our sleeper will journey to ancient forests and glens, where one’s dreamy reflections can join the delightful reveries of the Faerie folk.
Flowing rivers and starlight pathways leading to multiple doors and beyond, become our dreamer’s boundless universe. We are travelers within our dreams, wanderers through the subliminal…
Everyone has nightly dreams whether we remember them or not. We also have the occasional daydream, that just for an instant, ushers us away from our reality. But to a few select seekers, these imaginings go beyond the ordinary dreams and daydreams.
*Excerpt taken from Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine, Issue 74, Summer 2023
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