The Oracle Speaks

The Oracle Speaks

An excerpt from “The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity” available August 1, 2022

Here is the Oracle that was given to Lady Haight-Ashton within a meditation for the Imbolc/Candlemas Ritual 2021


The Oracle Speaks 

Holy Mother Brid calls to us with Her chorus

As the mighty winds of change blow; the oceans, rivers and streams begin to tremble

Everything pours into the Center

The Sacred Well shall surge until the rhythm of water becomes audible

All rise to the reverberation of the harmony 

Witness the flowing waters of holy source

The consecrated shall sustain all 

Behold the gentle silence of the Universe that will envelope all things 

As dust vanishes, brightness begins to glimmer

Observe! The Wheel of Destiny turns yet again

Dismiss all arrogance and injustice

Let honor and tolerance prevail

For with pure reverence, we shall never want

Ah! we are all supplicants to Divinity

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