The Spirit of Air

The Spirit of Air

Allow yourself a special invigorating Air experience. On a clear day, get into a comfortable position lying on the grass, in a field or just sitting in a park, looking up into the spacious canvas of the Element Air.

Relax your body, breathe slowly, and inhale and exhale deeply, while acknowledging the Air flowing into your lungs. Continue to relax and look up into the sky. Allow yourself the time to interpret the fluid images that pass before your eyes. Embrace all that is Air, from vast skies to Her airborne creatures gliding into your vision. Creatures of the Air seem so free to me, as they can always fly away.

Acknowledging and becoming one with an element can be an empowering moment. Enjoy the wide display before your eyes and let Air not only permeate your being, but visually inspire you as well.

On a less than clear day or with a bright Moon in the evening sky, you can still seek inspiration from above. Visions of swirling dark winds or shadows cast by the Moon’s glow. The night sky, with its bats and other nocturnal flying creatures of Air, holds much beauty and mystery. On Crescent or Full Moon nights, I like to indulge myself with a few stolen moments, just looking up and embracing the profound vision of twilight or dark midnight, as I welcome the sensation of evening’s breath against my skin.

The next time you are walking, look for a feather or allow Air’s breath to dance freely through your hair, as a reminder and acknowledgement of the freedom and empowerment of embracing the Spirit of Air.

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