Visions of Air

Visions of Air

I view the daytime sky as a canvas of magnificent clouds in incredible shapes, sizes, and hues.

Our ancient ancestors believed that the Gods and Goddesses rode upon the clouds. In these gossamer winged chariots, they rode displaying their power for all to see and interpret. In ancient Hebrew mythology, the chariots became the winged Cherub with their ancient God Yahweh swooping down upon the wings of the wind.

The chariot clouds then became the winged she-Cherub with her twins the coupled Cherubim, taking on the feminine form, as the winds became the masculine gender in the form of horses.

Imagine the ancients looking up to the sky and seeing visions of clouds, winds, Cherubs and Cherubim, horses and chariots appearing interchangeable in poetic imagery as various mounts of the Gods and Goddesses.

By the middle ages the feminine coupled Cherubim became winged male and female figures intertwined, as depicted throughout art and architecture with the singular androgynous Cherub flying about.

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