Words are Choreography
As the wheel of the year turns, I have been moved with a passionate frenzy to write my next book.
I am channeling an ancient source that inspires my words.
Being an Oracle and Sibyl I am oftentimes transported into alluring meditative realms that arouse my creative spirit.
As a Sacred Dancer words are choreography to my soul.
The result is a poetic journey which has led me to the legends and mythologies of the Ancient Temple Priestesses.
Here is a short excerpt from the introduction of “The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity” (my newest book):
Whether Oracles, Seers, Psychics and Sibyls, or Sacred Dancers and Healers, the ancient Temple Priestesses wove a narrative of both realism and mythology. They held court in every ancient civilization with their mysterious and mystical powers. These empowered women enthralled those who sought their advice while always serving the Goddess they revered.
Here is a short excerpt from Chapter One of “The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity” (my newest book):
There have been many female Oracles in the ancient world, some known and others more obscure. One such group, not very well known, were the Gallizenae (Priestesses) from the Ile de Sein, a French islet in the Atlantic Ocean. It has been told that the Ile de Sein has been inhabited since prehistoric times, and it was reputed to have been the very last refuge of the Druids in Brittany.
Nine in number, these Priestesses were said to have the power to predict the future, to control the weather by calming the winds and to become shape shifters taking the forms of different animals. Not much more is known of these elusive Priestesses, even their temple if there was one, has vanished. All that remains are a few megalithic menhirs (standing stones) to mark what possibly once was a sacred site.